This summer has been tooo doggone hot!!! If it were up to me I’d stay cool inside with the AC on high munching on otter pops! But you cant do that when you have a little 3 year old… This is how my lil guy was keeping cool before his daddy surprised him with a lil pool! This summer has definitely been a drag (with me being sick n all) but its ending on a high note with us celebrating our 1 year anniversary (feels so weird to start back at 1 after celebrating 8 years together!) & September is super busy! We’ve got weddings coming out of our ears! Whether its first shooting, second shooting, or family members getting married! To top it off my love is finally finishing school so he’ll be able to have a life again!!! Yippeee!! So please stay tuned for some action!
Wife, Mama Shark, + Photographer. Most days, you'll find me in mismatched socks and a top knot, working behind my computer with a smile on my face, listening to Zac Brown Band and R&B --or, dancing in the kitchen with my 3 littles and hunka husband, seeing who could come up with the coolest dance moves. I'm a wedding photographer, West Elm lover, aspiring advocate for our buddies with special needs, and a Certified Dreamer since 1986. We live in a cozy city in Southern California and are always up for a good adventure. I enjoy telling stories with my camera, grubbing on spicy food, and solving the latest Dateline case.
December 2019