It was a pleasant surprise when we received the news that my sister-in-law was pregnant! We’re so excited that lil Jack will be getting a baby cousin! Chelsie & Robby are beyond excited to be bringing little Miss Ava Marie into this world. Chelsie has always been a beautiful lady but now she has that pregnancy glow to top it off! They are going to be awesome parents! I got a lil carried away… they had to remind me that this was a maternity shoot not an engagement shoot! Lol oops! They are the BIGGEST Michael Jackson fans, so I thought it would be awesome to incorporate him into their photoshoot! Some people play Mozart for their babies, but this lil girl is going to come out doing the moonwalk! Gotta luv that wind blown hair!!! I’m so happy that we got to do a maternity/boudoir session! She looks gorgeous! Chels & Robby, congrats on the start of this new chapter in your lives! I look forward to documenting the arrival & growth of baby Ava! Cant wait til she's here!!! xoxo
I was in a lil funk last week... I didn’t book any photoshoots because I was in dire need to catch up on moving/ organizing my home. I was anxious to get out there and shoot again! Luckily I didn’t have to wait too long because my friend Larry, from photography school, let me tag along & be his right hand man (woman) to shoot a wedding up in Wrightwood, Ca. Let me just say that the scenery was A-MA-ZING!!!! The snow had just fallen and was softly trickling down the trees. I had no idea how hard it was to expose for the doggone snow! This was my first time shooting with a 24-70mm 2.8 lens and I really enjoyed it! I wish they had a zoom lens like this with a 1.4 aperture! Or maybe they do and I just don’t know about it yet :) I’ll be posting some photos of the wedding soon along with their cute modern love story! I woke up Sunday pretty sore from the day before. I never thought that you would have to be physically fit to be able to hold all this equipment. These lenses are too heavy for my scrawny arms! I gotta throw some pushups into my daily routine. I was very excited to be shooting my first maternity session! But on the other hand I was kinda nervous because it was my sister n law and I really wanted to give her some great shots, so the pressure was on! So stay tuned for her maternity/ boudoir photos (hopefully she’ll let me post some of the boudoir ones to share with you all!) In the meantime here are some photos of my lil sugar butt having some fun in the sun! Im crazy about this kid! He's a little stud like his daddy!
No more monkeys jumping on my bed! Please :) I love when my godson comes to hang out! The boys have a blast goofin off… and I get a little break to do some chores or work on my business. Speaking of business, I was looking through my Lifestyle portfolio and I got the urge to build it up! I want to start shooting more families, babies, kiddos, maternity, & oo la la boudoir sessions. So I’m going to be having a “Portfolio Building” period offering special prices starting at $150 for a session. So please spread the word & if you are interested & would like more details, feel free to email me at [email protected]. I’m not sure how long this special will last, so get it while it’s hot! :) I dont know why boys think its so much fun to slap themselves lol Goofballs!
When times get tough, or I get off track, I turn to this lil guy to lift my spirits. He just loves being silly and making people laugh. We played legos the other night while watching the Office on Netflix. I am completely hooked to that show! Wouldn’t it be cool if we all had a boss like him! I didn’t know that I had a snorting problem until I started watching this show! Seriously its not cute! In between episodes we battle it out with our lego robots. I pretend to shoot him with my lego bazooka and he would just smash my robot to pieces. He thought it was the funniest thing! Oh how I wish that his carefree attitude would rub off on me. Im the biggest worry worm & when things don’t go as planned I def. have minor panic attacks. So one of my goals this year is to enjoy the simple things in life & learn to let go of the unnecessary stress. I have no idea what he was saying here but Im pretty sure he was being goofy, because this is his silly face…
I’m big on starting little corky traditions… last year I had the kids come over to stuff & paint Easter eggs. They were pretty young and weren’t really that into it. But this year I had their attention for a whole 5 minutes! Woo hoo! I’m not a fan of vinegar so I had them use regular paint & markers to decorate their confetti eggs. Here’s what we were working with… Poor lil guy didn’t know his own strength and crushed his confetti egg :( I'm pretty sure they didnt try to paint a tree, but how cool is that! Can u see it...? Before we went to sleep, Jack & I powdered little bunny prints across the floor leading to lil Jack’s Easter basket. When he woke up to find them, he totally freaked out with excitement! This is my aunts lil cute pooch Pumpkin!
Wife, Mama Shark, + Photographer. Most days, you'll find me in mismatched socks and a top knot, working behind my computer with a smile on my face, listening to Zac Brown Band and R&B --or, dancing in the kitchen with my 3 littles and hunka husband, seeing who could come up with the coolest dance moves. I'm a wedding photographer, West Elm lover, aspiring advocate for our buddies with special needs, and a Certified Dreamer since 1986. We live in a cozy city in Southern California and are always up for a good adventure. I enjoy telling stories with my camera, grubbing on spicy food, and solving the latest Dateline case.
December 2019